The Rendville Art Works opened in November of 2002 after completion of two arts-oriented pilot projects, “People Say” at the SPiCYAM Arts Center, Shawnee, in 2000 and “Art for Every Thought” at Zanesville Savage Folk Art Gallery in 2001. The results of these two projects were so provocative that Residential Inc. Executive Director Joel Yeager coordinated the creation of The Rendville Art Works. We are housed in the old First Baptist Church (built in 1861) on Main Street in Rendville, Ohio. The town of Rendville was at one time a thriving, mostly African-American coal mining town and has a rich history of its own. In May of 2012, The Rendville Art Works became part of The Sech-Kar Company. This change allowed us to expand the scope of our project in many ways. Each day (Mon.-Fri. 9:00am- 2:00pm) between seven and nine artists with varied abilities arrive to work on their individual projects. Each artist has his/her own focus–whether painting, drawing, sculpting, or working with other media. The Rendville Art Works prides itself on assisting artists to find their own voice and subject matter.
Most of the work being produced here would be termed Folk, Outsider, or Self-Taught, but a good bit of it leans toward a Contemporary and Realist nature. The Rendville Art Works is always open to the public during our business hours and we host two special events each year: Our “Spring Open House” (generally in April) and our “Holiday Open House” (usually the weekend before Thanksgiving). We also exhibit our work outside of the Rendville Art Works at other galleries, shops, art festivals, and museums throughout the year. The Rendville Art Works Studio and Gallery is a unique destination and we have hosted many visitors from around the country and around the world.